At Low Ash Primary School, we feel our PSHE (personal, social and health education) program of study enables our children to develop as healthy, independent, responsible members of society with a strong understanding of their rights and responsibilities, which in turn, will allow them to play an active role in today’s diverse society. We believe it is vital that we provide our children with a wide range of skills and knowledge to be able to develop a strong sense of self, manage and express their feelings and emotions, keep themselves safe, live a healthy life and protect their physical and mental health and that of others. We want our children to have high aspirations and believe that anything is possible if they put their mind to it. In addition, we want our children to develop the confidence to share their opinions though discussion, whilst respecting others opinions, beliefs, religions and life choices. At the heart of our program is the focus on building positive, respectful relationships. If this is achieved, our children will have the confidence, knowledge and understanding to be able to make the right choices to make a positive and valuable contribution to school life and the wider society as a whole as they develop and grow into global citizens.

The over-arching aim of our PSHE curriculum, supported by the British Values, is to ensure that the social, moral, spiritual and cultural needs of our children are developed and nurtured.

This year in addition to the curriculum outlined below which is largely based on the My Happy Mind mental health curriculum we are also devoting lessons to the role out of Zones of Regulation across school.

Please visit the My Happy Mind page of the school website for further details.