
We have a school uniform which is clearly outlined in our prospectus. We ask for your co-operation to maintain this standard for our school uniform. No fancy fashion garments please.

The following list is to remind all parents and children of the acceptable dress code at Low Ash. The list is quite comprehensive and gives information of both summer and winter uniform.  A reminder that no items should have any logo unless it is a Low Ash Primary School logo.


  • Long grey tailored trousers
  • Grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • White, grey or red shirt with short/long sleeves
  • Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan
  • White or grey socks or tights (red tights allowed, but no pattern)
  • Wellies for outdoor play
  • Waterproof coat and trousers for outdoor play


  • Short grey trousers as an option
  • White, grey or red shirt
  • White or grey socks
  • Red/white check gingham dress is an option
  • Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan
  • Red sweatshirts printed with our school logo


Sensible school shoes or plain black trainers must be worn (if plain black trainers, these must not have any coloured logos or coloured soles). Children should have a pair of indoor shoes (slip on pumps are ideal) available to wear if their shoes become dirty. Please avoid shoes that your child cannot manage easily. If your child comes to school in wellingtons or boots in bad weather, it is a good idea to provide a “named peg” or bag to keep them together.

Please could you check the condition of your child’s pumps to make sure they still fit and that the soles are intact with adequate grip.

Jewellery / Hair

In the interests of health and safety, the wearing of jewellery in school is NOT ALLOWED. If children have pierced ears, then only small stud type earrings are acceptable. These should be removed for PE; if your child can not remove their own earrings, please make sure they do not wear them on PE days.

Long hair should be tied back with suitable hair accessories. This is essential for PE and recommended throughout the school day.

This policy is followed to minimise the risk of injury.

PE Kit

We ask that pupils come to school in their PE kit on PE days. This maximises the time which can be spent in PE lessons.  The PE uniform is listed below:

  • Plain white T Shirt or with school logo
  • Black shorts OR black tracksuit bottoms (plain black leggings may also be worn)
  • Leotards may be worn for indoor PE if preferred
  • Black or red sweatshirt (plain or with school logo)
  • Trainers (fancy designer trainers are discouraged)
  • All items should be plain. Football kits etc. are not acceptable.
  • Long hair must be tied up for PE and no jewellery should be worn. If your child wears earrings (only small studs allowed), please make sure your child can remove them or that they are not worn on PE days.

Some families that meet certain criteria may be entitled to financial help when purchasing school uniform. For more information, please read the Uniform Policy which can be found in the policies section of the website.

  • School uniform that displays the school logo can be purchased from
    Whittakers School Wear
  • Other items of uniform can be purchased from many supermarkets or any other clothing retailer.

Please click on the click below which shows images of appropriate school uniform and items which are not acceptable.