Achievement Assembly

School Achievement Awards Week Ending Friday 24th January

Last week’s attendance (w/e 24/01/25) was 96.4%, which is above our target of 96% for this year.  Several classes had really good attendance; in Key Stage 2, the winners were 4BY with attendance of 100%. In Early Years/Key Stage 1, the winners were 2W with attendance of 98.3%. Very well done to all of these classes.

Stars of the Week

RB1   –    Ariella

RB2   –    Oakley

1B      –    Harry

1P      –    Nancie

2M    –    Devon

2W    –    Lilly

Key Stage 2

3B     –    Austin

3M    –    Layla

4BY    –    Daniel

4T      –    Joseph

5B     –    Ethan

5E      –    Eden

5W    –    Kareen

6CLG –    Sophie

6LH    –    Thomas

Well done to all our Stars of the Week who have ‘stood out’ from the rest in their class!

Thank you to all parents, carers and family members who continue to support our Achievement Assemblies so well.

Mrs B Medhurst


Whole school attendance so far 95.3%