Admission to Nursery
We have a single intake of nursery children each September. We have 20 full time (30 hours) places for those children who qualify for 30 hours free childcare. We also have 6 part time (15 hours) morning places and 6 part time (15 hours) afternoon places.
15 hours per week – 8.30am-11.30am Monday to Friday
15 hours per week – 12.30pm – 3.30pm Monday to Friday
30 hours per week (for working parents) 8.30am-3.30pm Monday to Friday.
You can check if you qualify for a full-time place by going onto and follow the online instructions.
To apply for a place please contact the school for an application form. Admission to our nursery follows the same admission criteria as the Bradford Authority Admissions Department and where number of applications exceed the number of available places priority will be given to the following categories:
- Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence or special guardianship order.
- Children who have exceptional social or medical needs, supported by a written recommendation from the child’s paediatrician/consultant or professional from Children’s Services. The letter must explain why the nursery is the only suitable nursery to meet the child’s needs and why no other nursery could provide the appropriate support for the child.
- Children who have a brother or sister, living at the same address and who will still be attending the school at the time of admission.
- Children whose home address is within the school’s priority admission area*.
- All other children.
When Do I Need to Apply For My Child to Start in Nursery at Low Ash Primary School?
You can apply for a nursery place from your child being one year old.
When Will I Find Out If My Child Has Been Allocated A Nursery Place?
Children are admitted into nursery in the September following their third birthday. You will receive an email on the first Monday in March advising you if your child has been offered a place or not for the September intake. You will need to reply to the email to confirm your acceptance of the nursery place or let school know if the place is no longer required.
Admission to Primary School
As a Local Authority maintained school, Bradford Authority decides on admissions for this school. To apply for a place at Low Ash Primary School, please contact Bradford’s Admissions Team on 01274 439200, by emailing them at or by visiting Bradford Council’s website (see below).
How Do I Apply for a Reception Place at a Primary School?
To apply for a primary school place you can apply online at or you can complete a common application form, usually available from mid-November. You may also need to complete a supplementary application form or provide evidence supporting your application, depending on the schools you have applied for. We have added Bradford’s guidance to help you with the online application process. Further guidance from Bradford can be accessed here. The local authority follow this code–2 when dealing with admission applications.
When Do I Need to Apply For My Child to Start in Reception at a Primary School?
The online admissions system will be available for reception applications from 18 November 2024 and 15 January 2025 for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
Children are admitted into Reception in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until later in the year or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age. Parents can also request that their child takes up the place part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age. The admission criteria will apply to all children seeking a school place, whatever their term of entry. The place offered will be reserved on condition that it is taken up within the same school year.
Guidance for parents, carers and schools requesting deferment/offsetting of a Reception place can be found here.
Can I Choose What Primary School My Child Goes To?
You can make a preference for up to five schools, these should be listed in the order you would prefer them.
What Help Is Available For Me To Decide Which Schools To Apply For?
Before you decide on a particular school, you should visit the schools in your area. You should contact them to see whether they have an open day or whether you can book an appointment to have a look around.
Before you decide on a particular school, you should visit the schools in your area. You should contact them to see whether they have an open day or whether you can book an appointment to have a look around. If you have a child starting school in September 2025, we would be delighted to welcome you to take a look around Low Ash Primary School on one of our Open Day tours. All tours will be led by a member of the school’s Senior Leadership Team and will take approximately one hour. To book your place on one of the tours, please contact the school office on 01274 582927 or email
Wednesday 2nd @ 9.00am
Friday 4th @ 2.00pm
Wednesday 9th @ 9.00am
Friday 11th @ 2.00pm
Monday 14th @ 1.30pm
Thursday 24th @ 2.00pm
Thursday 14th @ 10.30am
Thursday 21st @ 10.30am
Thursday 28th @ 2.00pm
Monday 2nd @ 9.30am
Tours will last approximately one hour. You will have the opportunity to see our classrooms, outdoor facilities, meet some children and staff and ask any questions you might have.
Please email the school office on or telephone 01274 582927 to reserve your place.
If you would like information on how particular schools are performing, you can get a summary of the latest Ofsted report from the school, or see full reports on Ofsted’s website ( You can also find information on the school’s Key Stage Two results on the Department for Education website at or on this website.
When Will I Find Out What School My Child Has Been Allocated?
If you applied online for a primary school place, you will receive an email on 16 April 2025 telling you which school your child has been offered (unless you opted out of this service). If you applied on a paper form you will be sent a letter telling you which school has been offered. There will be an acceptance form with the letter which you must return to the school.
Details of the school’s admission arrangements, including its selection and oversubscription criteria, published admission number and the school’s process for applications through the local authority are available here.
In-Year Applications
If you are moving into the local area and need to apply for a place at one of the local primary schools, you can find out how to do this by clicking this link, which will take you to Bradford’s in-year applications page. If you would like to make an appointment to look around our school, you can contact our office on 01274 582927 or by emailing
Admission To Secondary School
When Do I Need To Apply For My Child To Start Secondary School?
The online admissions system will be available for Year 7 applications from 12 September 2024 and 31 October 2024. for children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014.
You should receive information about making an application for secondary school from your child’s current primary school at the start of September. Please contact the Admissions Team if you do not receive this.
When Will I Find Out What School My Child Has Been Allocated?
If you applied online for a secondary school place, you will receive an email on 3 March 2025 telling you which school your child has been offered (unless you opted out of this service). If you applied late on a paper form you will be sent a letter telling you which school has been offered.
Which Secondary Schools Do Wrose Pupils Go On To?
Last year below shows which schools our Year 6 children were allocated.
- Benton Park 4
- Guiseley School 5
- Hanson School 12
- Immanuel 14
- St. Bede’s and St. Joseph’s Catholic College 1
- Oasis Academy Lister Park 1
- Titus Salt School 21