Enrichment Afternoons
All children, from Years 1 – 6, have the opportunity to take part in a variety of enrichment activities one afternoon per week during the school day. This ensures all pupils, whether they can attend extra curricular clubs or not, can benefit from a wealth of experiences.
Some of the activities on offer this year:
Activity 1 – First aid
“Thank you to Low Ash Primary School for teaching our children to recognise the signs of having a stroke and general first aid. Thanks to my daughter, my mum is still alive today.” Parent social media post and email November 2024.
Due to the learning in our First Aid sessions, one of our pupils was able to recognise the signs of a stroke in her grandma and, because of this, managed to get her to the hospital in the ‘golden hour’. As a result of this, the pupil and first aid teacher have been awarded by the Lord Mayor. The links below will take you to the BBC and T &A article.
Bravery award for Bradford girl who saved grandma’s life – BBC News
Low Ash Primary School pupil helped to save grandma’s life | Bradford Telegraph and Argus
Activitiy 2 – Commando Joe’s character building teamwork sessions (click on the link below for further information about this programme.)
Commando Joe’s – Commando Joe’s
Activity 3 – Cooking
Activity 4 – Forest Schools (we have two members of staff who hold their Level 3 Forest School qualification)

Activity 5 – Social enterprise project
Each term, as part of their enrichment time, all classes will also benefit from an extra trip out into the local area to further enhance their knowledge of their locality.